Are you ready to say ‘Yes!’ to health and wellness? Then join us for the LCH Walk to Wellness 2022! This wellness challenge is a fun way to involve your friends, family, employees, and colleagues in getting moving and trying healthy activities. You even have the option to raise funds to provide free health screenings to community members.

Individual walkers and teams will take the virtual journey around Chester County (see the map to track our progress!). Get ready to add up the miles walking, biking, rolling, or running.

We’re excited to say ‘Yes!’ to wellness with you.


The Details

Registration: | Open now

The Walk: September 1, 2022 to October 13, 2022

Live Finish Line Party: October 15, 2022 at Penn Township Community Day


The Goal

Our collective goal is to walk 105,000 miles and raise $60,000!



$25 per walker


Live Finish Line Party:

Water Bottle given to all participants*

Free Giveaways and activities led by LCH

Access to all of the Penn Township Community Day activities


For Individuals

Invite your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to take part in the challenge or donate to your fundraiser by sponsoring you!


For Companies

Support LCH and our Community Health Screenings with a Corporate Sponsorship. See the list of opportunities and benefits on our sponsorship link HERE.

¿Estás listo para decir, “¡Sí!” a estar saludable y sentirte bien? ¡Entonces acompáñanos a La Caminata por tu Salud LCH 2022! Este reto es una manera divertida de incluir a tus amigos, familiares, empleados, y colegas en actividades saludables. Tendrás la oportunidad de recaudar fondos para apoyar a nuestra comunidad y proveer exámenes de salud gratuitos para quien más lo necesita.

Los participantes, ya sea individuales o en equipos realizarán la caminata virtual alrededor del condado de Chester (¡Ve el mapa para rastrear tu progreso!) Prepárate para sumar tus millas caminando, en bicicleta, patinando o corriendo.

Estamos emocionados de decirle, “¡Sí!” a sentirnos bien y estar saludables juntos.


Los Detalles

Registro: | Abierto ahora

La Caminata: Del 1° de Septiembre al 13 de octubre de 2022

Fiesta en Vivo desde la Línea de Meta: octubre 15, 2022


La Meta

¡Nuestra meta colectiva es recorrer 105,000 millas y recaudar $60,000!



$25 por participante


Fiesta en Vivo desde la Línea de Meta:

Botellas de agua para todos los participantes

Regalos gratis y actividades dirigidas por LCH

Acceso a todas las actividades de Penn Township Community Day


Para Participantes Individuales

¡Invita a tu familia, amigos, vecinos, y colegas a ser parte del reto o invítalos a donar para que sean tu patrocinador!


Para Corporaciones o Fundaciones

Apoya a LCH, y con un patrocinio corporativo podrás donar exámenes de salud. Aquí podrás ver la lista de oportunidades y beneficios.

You can participate in this challenge by doing pretty much anything that gets your heart rate up- walking, running, cycling or any of your favorite fitness activities! Just make sure to log it! For activities that cannot be measured in steps or miles, please refer to the PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CONVERSION CHART below.

For more information on tracking your distance or setting up tracking devices please refer to the How It Works and FAQ's sections below.
This challenge will not only encourage you to engage in physical fitness activities, but also practice healthy wellness habits! Check out the MENTAL HEALTH ACTIVITY CONVERSION CHART below to learn more and use the Log Activity button at the top or in the site menu to earn points for each activity logged.
COMPLETED: 59,100 points
TARGET: 300,000 points
COMPLETED: 15,156 miles
TARGET: 105,000 miles
RAISED: $ 61,421
TARGET: $ 60,000
You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong. ~ Sue Fitzmaurice
Come join us and leave your footprints around Chester County, PA!
Register for the campaign and set your fitness & fundraising targets.
Share your story and raise funds & awareness.
Track workouts anywhere & anytime and complete goal.
LCH's mission is to improve the health and well-being of people and communities by providing high quality healthcare, resources, and social services.

La misión de LCH es mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los individuos proporcionando atención médica, recursos y servicios sociales de alta calidad.

Read more about the organization >>

All proceeds will be used to provide free health screenings and access to quality care by LCH providers. Our goal is to fully fund one year of free health screenings.

Lo recaudado será utilizado para proporcionar exámenes de salud gratuitos y acceso a servicios de LCH. Nuestra meta es recaudar suficientes fondos para brindar un año de exámenes de salud gratuitos.
What is Charity Footprints?

Charity Footprints is a social enterprise that connects fitness and charitable giving. We empower people just like you, to get fit & give back.

Our Virtual Races allow non-profits to challenge their patrons to run, walk or ride and raise funds just as they would in a fundraising walkathon. The best part - charities save over 45% in event and logistical costs. So, the dollars that you pay to register or fundraise, go farther.

What is the campaign registration fee?

Campaign registration fee is the amount that you'll need to pay to enroll in this virtual race. This fee (less transaction charges) will go to the non-profit running this campaign as a donation.

The registration fee along with the funds raised through your individual fundraising page will enable the non-profit to fund various programs and pursue their organization's mission.

How can I create my fundraising page?

Well, you wouldn't have to create a separate fundraising page. Once you register for this campaign, we'll give you the link to your fundraising page.

How will I track my distance?

You can track your workouts by setting up your devices (Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, Google Fit, Misfit, Strava), or download the Charity Footprints' iOS or Android app and track your workouts toward this campaign. ?>

If you workout indoors (treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike etc.), you can upload your workouts here.

How do I join a team on this campaign?

While registering for the campaign, select the team you'd like to join or create a new team and invite others to #GetFitGiveBack with you. If you want to join a team (or create your team) after registration, login to the campaign site and you would find a link to edit "My Team" in the menu under your profile in the header.

I am an international donor (non-US), what are my donation charges and tax-deductibility?

All donations are made in US dollars, so the donations may be levied an exchange rate fee via your bank. Donors will want to connect with their bank to determine exactly what that fee may be. Additionally, international donors will need to reach out to a tax professional to discuss if and how tax deductibility will apply to their donation.

Who can sponsor my fundraising efforts?

The short answer is - everyone. The fundraising research shows that the number one reason for people not donating is that they weren't asked to.

That said, there are things you can do to attract people to sponsor you. Adding a picture to your fundraising page, telling potential donors why this cause is so personal to you, sharing your fundraising page on social media, email, and chat groups.

Last, if your employer has a gift matching program, check with the human resources department to support your favorite cause as well.

Who can I contact if I need help?

You can contact us any time if you need help. We love hearing from our users so please don't hesitate to write to us about issues, suggestions, or to just say hi. You can also contact the non-profit administrator directly if you would like.

How do I change or switch my team?

If you want to join a team (or create your team) after registration, login to the campaign site and you would find a link to edit "My Team" in the menu under your profile in the header.