Brandi Ring's Fundraiser

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$25 USD raised
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Bessie's Hope
My Appeal

Your investment in Bessie’s Hope helps us change the fabric of our society with strands of compassion, empathy and respect. You are helping us continue to provide the education and training to volunteers, preschool to adults, and to continue the facilitation of the life-changing interaction with the nursing home elders. NOW is even more important to cultivate meaning and purpose, and to develop effective virtual platforms for our work.

Your impact is far-reaching and deeply needed.
* $50 sponsors a youth and elder for their life-changing Bessie's Hope visits.

* $100 sponsors 2 youth and 2 elders.

* $250 sponsors 4 youth and 4 elders.

* $500 is a “Perfect 10 Sponsorship”, sponsoring 10 youth and 10 elders! You will receive thank yous from your sponsored group, and when the doors open again, you can observe your investment in action.

* $1,000 is a “20/20 Sponsorship”, who clearly sees the value of bringing generations together in such a meaningful, life-changing way. You’ll sponsor 20 youth and 20 elders with the benefits above.

* $2,500 is a "50/50 Sponsorship, sponsoring 50 youth and 50 elders!

* $5,000 is an "Angel of Hope Partnership", sponsoring 4 groups of youth and 4 groups of elders!
My Progress
Brandi is walking 48,000 steps and raising funds for Bessie's Hope. Please show your support and donate generously.
35,160.0 STEPS done
48,000 steps
My Cause
The Mission:
Bessie’s Hope enhances the quality of life for nursing home and assisted living elders by bringing generations together in mutually rewarding relationships that honor the human spirit and create life-enriching volunteer opportunities for youth, families, individuals, community organizations and businesses.
About the Organization:
Bessie’s Hope is a legacy to our co-founder’s grandmother, Bessie “Granny” Stephens. The co-founders are pioneers in intergenerational work. After 26 years, Bessie’s Hope is still the only organization in the nation that brings youth groups, preschool through high school, including residential treatment centers for troubled teens; adult groups; individuals; and families into elder care facilities through structured volunteer programs. Key to the success are the education, training, communication tools and resources necessary to ensure meaningful, comfortable interactions and relationships with elders of all cognitive functioning levels, including advanced Alzheimer's Disease.
Recent Donations
$ 25

Brandi Ring

46 months ago