Get ready to run, walk, bike, hike, or swim for a cause that's making waves in the world of aquatic mammal conservation. The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) invites you to join our virtual Race Around the World for Operation GRACE, taking place from Nov 6th - 30th, 2023.
Participating is simple and impactful. Register for the event and choose your preferred activity—whether it's running, walking, cycling, swimming, hiking, or all of the above! Every step and every mile will count towards the greater goal of aquatic mammal rescue and conservation. With exciting incentives for reaching fundraising milestones, including exclusive NMMF merchandise and the chance to virtually meet our marine mammal experts, this campaign promises an engaging and rewarding experience for all participants. Thank you to our Founding Sponsors, Dolphin Quest and YAQU PACHA e.V. - Organization for the Conservation of Latin American Aquatic Mammals!
Beyond the physical activity, you'll have the opportunity to learn about NMMF's Operation GRACE; the Global Rescue of At-Risk Cetaceans and Ecosystems, a critical initiative aimed at protecting endangered dolphins, porpoises, and whales from the brink of extinction. Your participation and fundraising efforts will directly contribute to the success of this program. Join us in creating a brighter future for aquatic mammals and their ecosystems!
Fundraising Levels
Dolphin Defender - For those who want to dip their toes in and make a meaningful splash in aquatic mammal conservation and rescue.
  • Fundraising goal starts at $50.
  • Prize includes a t-shirt, which is included with registration.
Whale Guardian - For the passionate advocates who are ready to dive deep and protect these majestic creatures.
  • Fundraising goal starts at $250.
  • Prize includes a t-shirt (included with registration) and a race medal.
Porpoise Protector - A tier for those committed to guarding the oceans and aquatic mammals with unwavering dedication.
  • Fundraising goal starts at $500.
  • Prize includes a t-shirt (included with registration), a race medal, and a vaquita plushie.
Ocean Champion - The highest tier, reserved for champions of marine mammal conservation who are determined to make a colossal impact.
  • Fundraising goal starts at $1000.
  • Prize includes a t-shirt (included with registration), a medal, a vaquita plushie, and a virtual Q&A session with NMMF marine mammal experts.
  • This tier is for the individuals who go above and beyond in their dedication to aquatic mammal conservation, and the prize includes a unique opportunity to connect with the experts behind the cause.
Operation GRACE T-shirt Design:
Campaign Engagement
This campaign offers numerous ways to get involved and earn points! Whether you’re posting in the scrapbook, leaving comments, chatting with others, or sending invitation emails, every action counts. Refer to the CAMPAIGN ENGAGEMENT POINTS CHART below to see how each activity earns points and start participating now to boost your score.
COMPLETED: 7,668 miles
TARGET: 25,000 miles
RAISED: $ 14,874
TARGET: $ 100,000
You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong. ~ Sue Fitzmaurice
Come join us and leave your footprints around the world across Operation GRACE project sites to raise awareness and support for the animals that need us most!
Register for the campaign and set your fitness & fundraising targets.
Share your story and raise funds & awareness.
Track workouts anywhere & anytime and complete goal.
The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) has a mission to improve and protect life for marine mammals, humans, and our shared oceans through science, service, and education.

Read more about the organization >>

Race for Operation GRACE is a virtual race around the world supporting the National Marine Mammal Foundation's Operation GRACE; the Global Rescue of At-Risk Cetaceans and Ecosystems. This initiative is a lifeline for threatened and endangered dolphins, porpoises, and whales, responding to the urgent call to protect these remarkable aquatic mammals, their ecosystems, and the human communities that depend on them.

Launched in response to the dire situations faced by critically endangered species like the vaquita porpoise, Yangtze finless porpoise, and Franciscana dolphin, Operation GRACE is a beacon of hope. It's a reminder that swift action and community-based approaches can prevent further extinctions. We are committed to working collaboratively with local partners on bold conservation solutions before populations reach desperate numbers. To do this, we rely solely on the generosity of donors like you.

The funds we raise will be used to gather vital data, provide necessary veterinary expertise and capacity building, and foster collaborations among local communities, experts, and organizations for our current species of focus. We're racing not just for these aquatic mammals but for the future of our shared oceans. Your support and any contribution you can make to this important cause are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to raise awareness and drive critical conservation actions for aquatic mammals around the world!
What is Charity Footprints?

Charity Footprints is a social enterprise that connects fitness and charitable giving. We empower people just like you, to get fit & give back.

Our Virtual Races allow non-profits to challenge their patrons to run, walk or ride and raise funds just as they would in a fundraising walkathon. The best part - charities save over 45% in event and logistical costs. So, the dollars that you pay to register or fundraise, go farther.

What is the campaign registration fee?

Campaign registration fee is the amount that you'll need to pay to enroll in this virtual race. This fee (less transaction charges) will go to the non-profit running this campaign as a donation.

The registration fee along with the funds raised through your individual fundraising page will enable the non-profit to fund various programs and pursue their organization's mission.

How can I create my fundraising page?

Well, you wouldn't have to create a separate fundraising page. Once you register for this campaign, we'll give you the link to your fundraising page.

How will I track my distance?

You can track your workouts by setting up your devices (Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, Health Connect By Android, Misfit, Strava), or download the Charity Footprints' iOS or Android app and track your workouts toward this campaign. ?>

If you workout indoors (treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike etc.), you can upload your workouts here.

How do I join a team on this campaign?

While registering for the campaign, select the team you'd like to join or create a new team and invite others to #GetFitGiveBack with you. If you want to join a team (or create your team) after registration, login to the campaign site and you would find a link to edit "My Team" in the menu under your profile in the header.

I am an international donor (non-US), what are my donation charges and tax-deductibility?

All donations are made in US dollars, so the donations may be levied an exchange rate fee via your bank. Donors will want to connect with their bank to determine exactly what that fee may be. Additionally, international donors will need to reach out to a tax professional to discuss if and how tax deductibility will apply to their donation.

Who can sponsor my fundraising efforts?

The short answer is - everyone. The fundraising research shows that the number one reason for people not donating is that they weren't asked to.

That said, there are things you can do to attract people to sponsor you. Adding a picture to your fundraising page, telling potential donors why this cause is so personal to you, sharing your fundraising page on social media, email, and chat groups.

Last, if your employer has a gift matching program, check with the human resources department to support your favorite cause as well.

Who can I contact if I need help?

You can contact us any time if you need help. We love hearing from our users so please don't hesitate to write to us about issues, suggestions, or to just say hi. You can also contact the non-profit administrator directly if you would like.

How do I change or switch my team?

If you want to join a team (or create your team) after registration, login to the campaign site and you would find a link to edit "My Team" in the menu under your profile in the header.