The 2023 JFC Fitness is a fundraising activity to raise money for the various charities that JFC supports through its donations. How can I support the 2023 Fitness Challenge? Simply by getting moving! You can walk, run, bike, use your fitness equipment, whatever works best for you personally. You can sign up and you will automatically complete your own fundraising page that you can share with your friends, family, co-workers, anybody who you would like to sponsor you. Link your fitness device to the Charity Footprints app and it will track your activity for the month of February 2023. Simply do whatever you’d like, wearing your device, and your activity level will be tracked and shown on your fundraising page. There will be some milestones that once you reach them, eMedals will be posted on your page and you’ll be recognized for your efforts. The system will also keep track of all of the donations received on your page, as well as for the entire event. You can check the leaderboards and see who is raising the most and who is moving the most. You can also create a team and get others to join you, or join an existing team. Why not get your whole family and you co-workers join you to raise funds for kids?
COMPLETED: 10,403,505 steps
TARGET: 6,000,000 steps
RAISED: $ 4,255
TARGET: $ 10,000

Please register for the campaign to see the chat activity. If you're already registered, login here.