Bethany Apartments

Charity Footprints Partner - Bethany Apartments

| Program Focus: Human Services


Bethany Apartments provides transitional housing to survivors of domestic abuse for up to 24-months. Residents live in one of 12 apartments and participate in a variety of programs and services all designed to help them along their healing journey, with the goal of safety, independence and self-sufficiency when they leave. Residents of Bethany are homeless when they enter programming, most often coming from domestic violence or homeless shelters. Most have little or no income, and face numerous barriers and challenges in addition to the abuse they have suffered. While at Bethany, survivors work to obtain living wage jobs, increase levels of education, receive training, work through the impact of their trauma through counseling and other supports, and address their credit history, including previous evictions. They are also offered opportunities to improve their financial literacy, while planning for the future. Parents are assisted in learning positive parenting skills and helping children deal with the trauma they too have experienced. Residents are encouraged to set goals for themselves in any aspect of their lives. Staff are available to help them achieve their goals.

Our Mission

Bethany Apartments offers survivors of domestic abuse and their families the resources needed to live, heal and grow in a supportive, safe and secure environment.